Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • ufo2002
    11-13 04:11 PM
    And you know what that means for EB processing in the future.
    Even more backlogs! Welcome to USA, suckers!

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  • seaken75
    07-17 04:43 PM

    After consulting with Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Visa Office advises readers that Visa Bulletin #107 (dated June 12) should be relied upon as the current July Visa Bulletin for purposes of determining Employment visa number availability, and that Visa Bulletin #108 (dated July 2) is hereby withdrawn.

    GO IV!

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  • belmontboy
    05-01 06:50 PM
    My firend lost his PERM approval document. Has anyone had the same experience?

    What are the steps to get a duplicate approval Perm document?
    i am not sure if u can get the copy. might want to check with some lawyer.

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  • AgentM
    08-03 06:14 PM
    I filed my I-485 application with vermont and I live in WA, according to the instruction form , I765 should be sent to Nebraska

    1. Where should I send the paper filing for EAD ot Nebraska or Vermont.
    2. Should I make the check payable to USCIS or Department of Homeland security.

    Pls help.
    thank you.


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  • jyo999
    07-25 10:18 PM

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  • senk1s
    11-18 09:08 PM


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  • vikra007
    03-16 01:09 AM

    Thanks for looking at my questions. I have an approved eb2 case with priority date 11/2007. I am waiting for eb2 India to become current for applying for EAD for my wife. She applied for medical residency and the programs she got calls for are sponsoring J1 visas only. I have a phd from US university and applying for EB1 OR through a semi conductor company anyway.

    I am in dilemma whether to apply for EAD for my wife or let her go on J1. J1 has implications later for medicine students but given the randomness of USCIS, I am never sure when eb2 date would be 11/2007 for eb2 485 or denial of eb1 or application.

    Please advise me over this dilemma.


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  • Voetsjoeba
    10-30 06:35 AM
    You expect us to leave this here :h:


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    06-14 10:06 PM
    I am in a similar situation , does anyone know how long does it take to transfer a case from AOS to CP?

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  • loku
    08-07 07:51 PM

    Please advice me on below:-
    1)I am on H1b visa and currently i am on bench. My 140 is approved and my H1b is expiring on sep30 ,2009. I got rfe for h1b extension asking for client letter.
    Should i convert to h4 or do h1b transfer if i could be able to get someone to transfer it.

    2) Also if I go to h4 visa will my green card processing with priority date remain same if i go back to same employer and ask them to file my h1b again after i get a project. Or they again have to start the process again even with same employer. Also what if i go with different employer.

    3. If I apply for H4 visa now and in mean time i get a project before sep 30 2009, then what do I need to do. can i just ask my employer to again file h1b extension.

    4) SO if I do h1b transfer or go on h4 what are the pros and cons.

    Please let me know ASAP.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • Macaca
    08-05 07:42 AM
    A Polarized, and Polarizing, Congress ( By David S. Broder (, August 5, 2007

    The distinguishing characteristic of this Congress was on vivid display the other day when the House debated a bill to expand the federal program that provides health insurance for children of the working poor.

    Even when it is performing a useful service, this Congress manages to look ugly and mean-spirited. So much blood has been spilled, so much bile stockpiled on Capitol Hill, that no good deed goes untarnished.

    The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a 10-year-old proven success. Originally a product of bipartisan consensus, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton, it was one of the last domestic achievements before Monica and impeachment fever seized control.

    It is up for renewal this year and suddenly has become a bone of contention. President Bush underfunded it in his budget; the $4.8 billion extra he proposed spending in the next five years would not finance insurance even for all those who are currently being served.

    But when the Senate Finance Committee proposed boosting the funding to $35 billion -- financed by a hefty hike in tobacco taxes -- Bush threatened a veto, and he raised the rhetorical stakes by claiming that the measure was a step toward "government health insurance."

    That was surprising news to Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah, two staunch conservatives who had joined in sponsoring the Senate bill, which the Senate Finance Committee supported 17 to 4.

    But rather than meet the president's unwise challenge with a strong bipartisan alternative, the House Democratic leadership decided to raise the partisan stakes even higher by bringing out a $50 billion bill that not only would expand SCHIP but would also curtail the private Medicare benefit delivery system that Bush favors.

    To add insult to injury, House Democratic leaders then took a leaf from the old Republican playbook and brought the swollen bill to the floor with minimal time for debate and denied Republicans any opportunity to offer amendments.

    The result was undisguised fury -- and some really ugly exchanges on the floor. The worst, given voice by former speaker Dennis Hastert, a Republican from Illinois, among others, was the charge that the Democrats were opening the program to illegal immigrants. The National Republican Congressional Committee distributed that distortion wholesale across the country in a flurry of news releases playing to the same kind of nativist prejudice that sank the immigration reform bill. In fact, governors of both parties support the certification system included in the bill for assuring that families meet citizenship requirements; the governors know that too many legal residents have been wrongly disqualified because they could not locate their birth certificates.

    In the end, the House bill passed on a near-party-line vote, 225 to 204, far short of the margin that would be needed to override the promised Bush veto. That means the program will probably have to be given a temporary renewal before the Sept. 30 deadline, and eventually Democrats and the White House will negotiate an agreement.

    So it will go down as one more example of unnecessary conflict. No rational human being could explain why a program that both parties support and both want to continue could ignite such a fight.

    But that is Washington in this era of polarized politics. As Congress heads out for its August recess, it has accomplished about as much as is usually the case at this stage. It passed an overdue increase in the minimum wage and an overdue but healthy package of ethics reforms. It moved some routine legislation.

    But what the public has seen and heard is mainly the ugly sound of partisan warfare. The Senate let a handful of dissident Republicans highjack the immigration bill. Its Democratic leadership marched up the hill and back down on repeated futile efforts to circumscribe American involvement in Iraq, then shamefully pulled back from a final vote when a constructive Republican alternative to the Bush policy was on offer.

    The less-than-vital issue of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys has occupied more time and attention than the threat of a terrorist enclave in Pakistan -- or the unchecked growth of long-term debts that could sink Medicare and Social Security.

    And when this Congress had an opportunity to take a relatively simple, incremental step to extend health insurance to a vulnerable group, the members managed to make a mess of it.

    It's no wonder the approval ratings of Congress are so dismal.

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  • willgetgc2005
    04-21 04:27 PM
    Bush is visiting Csico, San Jose. There is a huge EB community in Cisco afftected by retro. I talked to my friend there and he said guys were planning to ask one question about this to Bush. Apparently ther was lot of activity around this . Any update guys ? Any one from Cisco pls respond


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  • ssd_sl
    07-26 10:40 AM
    I applied for I485 like many others in July. I just heard my group may be spun off from its parent company and might be funded by VCs. Does this mean I cannot use my LC/I140? If/When I get my EAD will it be valid?
    All ye learned people thanks in advance...

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  • anti_morons
    07-17 02:47 AM
    Is it possible to request to expedite EAD processing?

    My EAD I765 application was done along with I485.

    I was on H4 visa and doing my Masters. I got interviewed with a company and they offered me a full-time job. For work-permit, I decided to move to F1 visa and utilize CPT/OPT. In the mean time my spouse GC PD became current and I had to withdraw the H4 to F1 change of status application to file for AOS/EAD/AP.

    The EAD seems will take quite some time and I am not sure my employer would like to wait that long. So can I request to expedite my EAD processing ? It has NOT been 90 days and I have the receipt notices of my AOS/EAD/AP application.

    Any experiences ..any advice ?:confused:


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  • rimori3232
    11-16 07:31 PM
    Hi. I am a Canadian Citizen that was offered a Management job in US.

    I would appreciate any advice in regards the best way to ensure a LONG stay in US. The company wants to start with a TN.

    Strategy #1:
    To stay under TN and keep it renew it for a long term �. 10-20 years. The risk is that the guys at the border will say no at some point; however I wonder if I can request an appeal since there is no limit per TN rules.
    ( are there any cases that have stayed that long?)

    Strategy #2:
    Start with a TN then file an H1b and wait for the Labor of certification to be approved. If I do not hear anything in 1 or 2 years; change to TN to revise the strategy�. in order to avoid consuming the H1b 6 years lead time allowed and try again later.

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  • dealsnet
    04-28 05:19 PM
    I did send my wife's and my daughter's RFE in one package. But have separate cover lettter and folder. One packet is enough, clearly distiguish between two set of papers.

    My wife and I got RFE on medical. Now I am sending response to RFE. Do I need to send the RFE response individually by FEDEX or Can I send both of us responses in one FEDEX package? Please advise. Thanks.


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  • yabadaba
    10-05 06:08 PM
    WOOOPS!! sorry

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  • Blog Feeds
    11-02 08:50 AM
    Can a Saturday or a Sunday be a "business day"? It depends on who you ask. The U.S. Department of Labor says yes, while the Department of Homeland Security thinks otherwise. What's an employer to do? On October 12, the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) issued a decision "In the Matter of Il Cortile Restaurant". This case involves a PERM application for a chef, and has been bouncing around in the Labor Department (DOL) for three years. In May 2007, the employer posted a Notice of Filing (NOF) of a PERM application for ten consecutive days. The Certifying...

    More... (

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  • Jaime
    02-22 03:04 PM
    It's true that Obama is focusing on the economy now, but if we do a massive flower campaign now it will get us press and attention and "loosen" things up, then we can go for a second even bigger flower campaign in the spring and in the summer when the previous flower campaign will still be alive in the public's memory. That way people will say "wait, legals? that's different than illegals, and it sounds serious"

    We need to get ourselves noticed! The illegals had Obama on the Hispanic radio show with "Piolin Sotelo" last week. Why aren't we doing anything? We are not cowards, are we? The illegals can but we legals can't?

    Let's not stop with the flowers until we're heard. We send this week, then in a couple of months and so forth until they fix the injustice we're in

    I'll send the first bouquet of flowers to USCIS or DOL or the WHite House if I can get 10 volunteers to send with me. Who's with me? Let's send them this week. Who's in?

    Blog Feeds
    06-09 02:10 PM
    My friend John Lamb in Nashville blogs today about ICE's Hutto detention center where whole families are jailed while awaiting deportation. I'm reminded of Charles Dickens' tales of debtors prisons in Victorian England where "lawbreakers" who violated British laws relating to debt were jailed right along with their spouses and children. It's hard for me to tell the difference. I don't know that I blame CCA, the contractor that runs the center. Nor do I necessarily blame ICE which is simply carrying out their mission. The country's policymakers carrry responsiblity - senior DHS officials, White House officials, members of Congress,...

    More... (

    02-05 02:49 PM

    My I-140 was approved in August 2009 and my PD is Jan-2004 (EB3). I want to know when i can apply for I-485, should i have to wait till my PD becomes Current or is there any other way by which i can file the I-485. Please shed some light on this topic and thanks for your time and effort.

    Thanks ! ! :confused: :rolleyes:

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