Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • beppenyc
    03-08 02:23 PM
    I can`t beleive it. I am very disappointed, that is unveliable. Everytime that it looks that something is happening...we got some problems. Now what`s going on with the democrats....

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  • smarteey
    12-28 01:59 PM
    Hi Jimmi,
    Count me in as well. I live in Irvine.... Great effort.... Lets get this rolling...

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  • asharda
    09-09 03:42 PM
    My 1 cent (percent) towards 30K --- $300/-

    Go IV. All the best for your effort. Sorry I will be out of country and can't make it but I will be watching closely.

    Best wishes

    Google Order #829616371917763

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  • pappu
    09-12 05:24 PM


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  • rbharol
    05-25 11:49 PM
    It seems for back log accumulations centers it is "random in random out" policy...
    They dont care. I think they have been told to delay it so much that we get frustrated and leave the country.

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  • gc28262
    03-05 08:15 AM
    .................................................. .........................................
    .................................................. ............................................
    Generally Numbers dont lie (except Satyam) and I havent heard anything in Congress that may be remotely close to passing that may change the landscape for EB folks and therefore am guessing that they have not really been intimated on any urgent action to be done within next few months for something looming.

    Who knows, maybe Obama is preparing for CIR 2009 now. Before CIR he maybe planning to push all legal EB cases. Remember July 2007 fiasco happened in the backdrop of CIR 2007.

    My guess.


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  • gc_chahiye
    07-20 03:32 PM
    You need to chill out dude. I do not see anything wrong. Whats wrong in analyzing and preparing yourself for future. I have plans to travel in 3 months.After looking at this thread I think it might take few more months. I think this is a valuable thread.

    agree. in addition once your EAD expires you need to stop working immediately (they have stopped issuing interim EADs) if an EAD renewal takes 8 months and you cannot apply upto 6 months before expiry, there is a possibility that you will work only 10 months every year!

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  • Mouns
    04-30 03:48 PM
    The adjucation will always be of the same quality.

    Although it is too long now, they won't speed it up :mad:


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  • Cheran
    03-05 04:43 PM

    There should be a method behind this madness. Its hard for me to believe that these RFEs are random generated? Any idea boys & girls. By the way, I did not get a RFE!!!
    Man, how pathetic one's life should be, if he gets paranoid that he is not getting a RFE. Its sad to see where I stand today... :((

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  • rsdang
    04-02 12:00 PM
    villamonte6100 please read the first statement again - I was agreeing with D-E-D that USCIS IS GOOD...

    Frankly I am not Australian and I dont care about the friendship your country has with US. Every Country is sucking up to USA for favourable relationship...

    D-E-D's comments - you must be from india and corruption in India is "Trashing" India in my eyes... every country has corruption (you will find Australia and USA on that list as well... granted its all relative) some more and some less. D-E-D comments had a condesending tone for India and that is not cool...

    BTW - If Australia is so then why do you want to be a Sepo so bad... Jokes apart - I agree with you that US is a great country and thats why I chose to move here... I hope you get your green card soon... before me? time will tell...


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  • 9years
    09-13 01:01 PM
    Hi All,

    Ads and other process took around 8 months(approximately). Just I was talking about the day labor filed with DOL to approval email to HR department. Just I am sharing this information thinking that it might help for someone in thinking in that direction. Eb3 & Eb2 both labors are from the same company. I have US masters degree ( if any wants to know about that).

    Your questions are welcome and as much as I know I will share.

    Thank you and best of luck to all.

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  • vin13
    02-19 11:55 AM
    I don't understand why EB3-I is a lost cause. Isn't the percentage distribution for the various categories taken into account? I don;t think I understand how the percentage distrubution works probably. Can anyone please explain?

    India and China get most of their share through not only the allocated %age but also through the spillover from ROW. Since there is less spillover from ROW for EB-3, the amount of visa for EB-3I is less.


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  • vayumahesh
    11-08 03:47 PM
    I got a email notification from my attorney just now that my I-140 is approved with priority date ported from EB3. Not sure whether I should wait few weeks before initiating interfiling process.

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  • Macaca
    09-14 08:57 PM
    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration ( By ROBERT PEAR ( | New York Times, July 15, 2007
    How Conservatives Enhanced Online Voice ( - Talk Radio Blends With Blog Postings To Boost Message By JUNE KRONHOLZ ( ) and AMY SCHATZ ( | The Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2007
    Immigration bill ignites grass-roots fire ( The conservative group NumbersUSA has seen its numbers skyrocket. Activists pressure wavering senators By Nicole Gaouette ( | Times Staff Writer, June 24, 2007
    Grass Roots Roared and Immigration Plan Collapsed By JULIA PRESTON ( | New York Times, June 10, 2007: 1 (, 2 (


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  • meridiani.planum
    12-11 01:00 PM
    for the first time (in 5 years that I have been tracking them) the visa bulletin looks like it was "made in America". The america of old, the one that is so organized that every official form includes an estimated time on how long it takes to fill it up. The one where every street has a clear name marker, every intersection has multiple stop lights, multiple signs. Where the little cats-eyes on the road are color coded[1] Where lines form automagically when a bunch of people converge on anything. Where you can go to any .gov site and pick up whatever statistics you want on anything from agriculture, to factories, to healthcare.
    This is a nation built on documentation and organization.

    For the first time the visa bulletin does not look like some discarded bingo card or four monkeys getting excited on a typewriter. For the first time the numbers make sense, they explain why they are what they are. They even put our prediction threads out of business by coming out with their own set of predictions for the rest of the year.

    USCIS has had data like this for eons (how many cases pending in which category and from which country). It took the usual american obsession with data and organizing data to come out with all this.

    Kudos to them.

    Things remain bleak, but just to see something so neatly organized and put out was heartening to me.

    P.S: and no, this is not them just doing their job. Their job is to put out the dates every month (like they have been doing for atleast over a decade). To clearly spell out how many cases are pending (like their recent report), and now to predict how these dates will move, is IMO going beyond the minimum requirements of the job, and is much appreciated.

    [1]: blue meaning a firehydrant, yellow as a separator of lanes in different directions, white in the same direction, red is dont enter. found the meaning of the blue one recently, and was impressed. atleast in CA this is what they are.

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  • pcs
    07-05 10:57 AM
    We need to have sticky & web fax on this issue


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  • reddymjm
    03-12 02:35 PM
    I do not support this donor ONLY idea.
    Also, Day 1, the FOIA initiative had a goal of $5K.
    And without reason, the goal was increased to $10K.

    So, pappu should not complain of not reaching the goal when he keeps increasing the goal.
    stay consistent.
    Its just not pappu.
    We all felt like increasing the goal becasue out the 100 or so FOIA responses we got atleat we should be able to respond to couple of them. FOIA is not the only one needing money.

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  • mheggade
    07-11 01:17 PM
    Between Fragoman, My Company and USCIS they sure are going to drive me nuts. I am waiting for green card for 10 years now with the same company. They are moving EB2 date and nothing gets done with EB3. On top of all these, 2 years from now, they will make all dates current which literally mean I will get my Green Card with a guy came here 10 months ago....

    I really sympathise with your situation, But your comments are outrageous.
    R you saying Just because you suffered every body has to suffer.:mad:

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  • ssnd03
    04-02 02:10 PM
    You are right, it will be tough to dig into an agency that does approve your status here.

    Fortunately the US justice system works for everybody. Thats the hallmark of this great country.

    Anybody can go to a court and seek justice if they feel they have been harmed or suffered losses even by a govt body.

    Ample evidence is available in court records for cases against USCIS by GC applicants for delays and errors. This not an opinion but a fact.

    In this country you just don't get screwed or get a cold shoulder for seeking justice within the written laws.

    Unfortunately numbskulls like villamonte and DED don't have a mental capacity to understand these concepts

    06-03 01:57 AM
    IV Core,

    What is IV's position on ammendents for people who have filed PERM only and have not filed I-140 yet.

    There shall be an ammendement which allows these people to keep using old system(EB) to get their green card.

    It is totally un-fair to null and void their application and get them into new point based systems and force them to face long delays.

    Please let us know.


    07-02 05:11 PM
    My company got labor certification papers today after getting approved online on June-26-2007

    PBEC,EB3, NON-RIR, PD MAY 2004
    Labor certified online: June-26-2007
    Received labor certification hardcopy: July-02-2007

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