Sunday, June 26, 2011

sayings about love and happiness

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  • vindas
    09-02 02:56 PM
    Landed in US on 31st March 2002
    Applied Labor ( RIR) in Sept 2003 in EB3
    Got Labor approval in 2007
    Filed I-140 in premium and got the approval in 15 days.
    Filed I-485 in July 2007
    Invoked AC 21 and changed employer in 2009
    Got the 3rd EAD renewed
    Still waiting with new hope every year

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  • beppenyc
    03-02 04:38 PM
    ok, one day is gone, now what`s will happen??

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  • WillIBLucky
    12-19 09:00 AM
    If "you" meant me then FYI, I have contributed before and will be contributing again. I am no sencond thoughts on what IV core memebers are trying to achive and why they need money. I completely understand the need.
    What am I saying is IV has done everything for Lame Duck session to try and get the bill passed. More money then would not have helped is what I think. Yes we could do better from the lessons we learnt from that day. We definetly need money for all this purpose. Most of the members here understand that and want to contribute too but you cannot expect everyone to be in a position to contribute due to various factors.
    But you should not say that you are spending a lot of money on lawyers but members pay lawyers as there is no alternative. You would not be a part of IV if your GC is not filed and affected by retrogression. To get to being retrogressed you should pay the lawyers as without labor and i-140 you are not there yet.
    Senator sessions was the key due to the lame duck session rules but going forward as i understand a majority can pass the bill..not ever one need to vote for the bill.

    Money would help core do activities like setting up the web site, faxes, going to DC, educating law makers...nothing comes free in this world.

    I am sure core team would like to post the account details on this web site and be done with it. And may be list down the number of hours and money they have spent from their personal accounts too. But there are some issues with that. We can always call them up for details if that is what is holding you from contributing. Its only a phone call away.

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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:42 PM
    we really need this benefit....or else we may have our hair on fire....
    Rumor has to be true..or else I am ......................going to Canada


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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 02:35 PM
    That is right. People can express their opinions. No name calling and rough language.

    Thank you.

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  • Milind123
    09-12 06:03 PM
    Thankyou ska_iit EAD rangaswamy and imm_pro.

    All, please remember my intention is to motivate people who never contributed so far and who start
    a $50 monthly contribution for at least six months. I am going to do a one time contribution of $50
    for all such contributions (limits apply which I still did not disclose)

    Anyway good start. ska_iit EAD rangaswamy and imm_pro, please consider monthly contributions. imm_pro, you
    are only 2 contributions (of $50) away from the target of $300.

    While making my contribution I would like to thank all the people who have started their new monthly contribution.
    I would feel bad if I miss their name while searching the thread, so please PM me.

    Here are the details of my third contribution of $100

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 6:12 PM EDT
    Google Order #761429932710772


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  • sunny1000
    07-23 06:55 PM
    What is RD?

    It is the receipt date.

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  • tinamatthew
    07-22 10:09 AM
    Hi Scedule A!

    I am RN from Moldova, waiting for DS230 approval since October 2006.
    Are there anyone in the same situation?
    It seems to me that no one care about nurses on this forum. So I decided to highlight the problem briefly.

    Why should nurses have their personal immigration schedule and different faster line?

    1 - The shortage of nurses is more severe then ever in the US history. The fact is confirmed by DOS, The American Hospital Asociation, and the Coalition to Improve Healthcare Staffing.
    2 - Existing mechanisms are not able to improve the situation, Vice versa, the situation is going to be vorce in the near future.
    3 - Healthcare is one of the most relevant aspects of national economy, because it affects all other spheres of the economy.
    4 - The preimmigration qualifining process for nurses is long, expensive, and complicated. Aproximately 2 - 3 years (CP or CES, NCLEX-RN, IELTS, or TOEFL+TSE) long, and $5000 - $7000 cost. If we add these 2-3 years to the period of immigration we will have outstanding 5 - 9 years of waiting! And we should bare in mind that this is the only way for nurses.
    5 - From the last 50000 visas for Schedule A only 17000 were used by nurses and PT, other were used by their spouses and children. So the actual number of nurses intered the US is realy small.

    The situation is critical!
    As far as I see the problem, the only choice for us is allocation of visa numbers(recaptured or new) directly for schedule A. All other options are not good enought either for nurses or for the US Healthcare, because now we are in EB3 and have to compete with other professionals in the respective category. So we have to wait for 4 -5 years to get our CG. And practicaly, as I mentioned above, the GC is the only option for nurses, because emploiers do not want to sponsor us for a non immigrant visas.

    Actually nurses have the H1c visa, but there are only 500 a year and only 14 hospitals in the whole country can apply for these visas. These visas last 3 years and after that the nurse has to leave the country. Not that employers don't want to apply for visas, it is just that many nursing positions DO NOT qualify for H1B! So the only viable option for nurses is the GC!

    Cornin recent ammendment was too good to became true! It was awful to read that it was defeated...

    Nurses, where are you?!
    Please, reply and share your opinions.

    Good points chisinau

    Actually nurses have the H1c visa, but there are only 500 a year and only 14 hospitals in the whole country can apply for these visas. These visas last 3 years and after that the nurse has to leave the country. Not that employers don't want to apply for visas, it is just that many nursing positions DO NOT qualify for H1B! So the only viable option is the GC

    Will the July visa bulletin help you in anyway?


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  • diptam
    08-13 05:19 PM
    Everytime i Open IV this Non-value added thread rolls up in the Top.

    Why dont you close this - Unnecessary arguments are wasting everyone's Time !!

    please direct your energy to more useful directions, volunteer, contribute and join the rally in DC on 9/18. join your state chapters. complete your profile on iv- what's the point of so much smoke and fire when you want to hide from everyone- your profile is not public, but iv needs you. you and i are iv. there is no iv but us. if you believe there is some nebulous entity that will magically solve your problems without your lifting a finger, well that's usually the stuff of dreams- and maybe your GC will arrive tonight with your beauty sleep...

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  • ragz4u
    03-08 10:33 AM
    Again, the link is then click on Dirksen 226 in the right frame

    Senator Specter seems to emphasize that he would like to get done with amendments etc. and to make sure that he meets Bill Frist's deadline of March 27th so that it can be debated

    Senator Brownback is bringing an amendment to extend J1 visa which apparently expires this year

    Will keep on updating as and when I hear things


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  • gsc999
    07-19 06:30 AM
    A small contribution for the future goals....$500 today and more to come....
    Thank you IV for your time, effort and support through the emotional roller coaster.

    Shatabdi & Amit: Great! Thank you for your large donations of $500 each.

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  • santb1975
    06-03 01:30 PM
    This is great

    Contributed $100 just now
    (Receipt ID: 3118-4400-XXXX-XXXX).

    $200 contributed so far


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  • zoooom
    08-10 11:06 PM
    I dont think this is true coz I am juky 2nd filer and my checks havent been cashed yet...

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  • dan19
    05-25 01:09 PM
    PD : Sep 2002 (RIR)
    45 Day letter: Dec 2004 (After that no news)

    I had 2 queries when the case was pending with the state labour office before being shipped to BEC.
    The issues were related to low wages and insufficient experience. The company fixed the issues and ammended the Labour petition.

    Will that cause a problem when it comes to the approval stage? Again, will that negatively affect I-140?


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  • LuckyPaji
    07-24 02:21 PM
    I don't know much about the process, I just came to America less than 1 year back, but I know my lawyer was supposed to mail application to reach on July 2, 2007 instead he made a mistake to reach on June 29, 2007 because he said July 1, 2007 was a Sunday so he would rather be early than late. USCIS accepted and receipted me.

    I am the manager in my brother's gas station in LA. He got a investor visa when he came from Punjab but now he is citizen. I am on EB3. I have Bachelors in Business Administration from Panjab University in Chandigarh. I can't be EB1 or EB2, I barely made it through college :D

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  • GCwaitforever
    04-02 11:59 AM
    I don't know what to tell you guys.. I'm surprised to see how some people's thought process work.
    I have no Idea what's wrong in requesting USCIS to release some data which would tell how many applications they received of which chargeability and in which EB categories’ This is the only information needed to stop predicting, everybody here can make almost exact estimate when they can expect their application Adjudicated. And also in the mean time they should provide us assurance that they will issue EADs and APs in less than 90 days. We are in a foreign country and we need to travel to our home countries, if we are stuck with 1 year approvals our file is always in process, how do you plan a trip ???
    Death in the family is the only reason they recognize as urgency for travel.
    We are Humans, we have family back in our home countries, marriage in the family or family visit is also urgent..
    To ask this you don’t need citizen rights you are asking a public agency a service which they are supposed to provide and they are charging us to do that...

    The problem is paper-based application process of USCIS. They spend lots of time opening up mail and sorting out the applications. Sometimes, information is not all in one place or misplaced. Also USCIS emloyees have vested interest in continuing the status quo. If everything is filed electronically, you would see layoffs in USCIS.

    Also they have other issues to deal with. There is a rush of naturalization applications last year. Similarly when crop season comes, they tend to agricultural workers visas. In these cases, staff is diverted from one paper mount to other. After getting the GC, let us apply for positions in DOL/USCIS and bring some positive process change internally.


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  • Green.Tech
    06-20 03:19 PM
    Please contribute.

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  • gcgoingon
    12-10 06:45 PM
    We are one of those unluckiest ones; I changed my company 2 months before July fiasco and (EB2 PD Aug 23, '06) and never got a chance again to file I-485.

    It is very frustrating (to say the least) to wait and it seems it may take another ~2 years to file I-485. It is hard on my wife in particular as she completed her masters in 2008 and narrowly lost jobs offers because companies do not wanted to H1b transfer these days.

    I do not see any hope of this agony end anytime soon :(

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  • kevinkris
    01-03 08:42 PM
    Applied Aug 13th.. FP done.. EAD cards came.. no AP yet..:mad:

    03-09 12:22 PM
    KLPD ho gaya bhailog....

    Man one more depressing start for EB3-I aspirants... :mad:

    06-25 08:25 AM
    This is what I think America loses due to delay in green card process. I can say this from my own experience. People with advanced degrees in Science and Technology have to keep doing same job to maintain status for 8 - 10 years since changing job / company reset's their GC process. When a guy comes to US for education the average age is around 23 - 24 years. MS completed by 25. Most guys at that time have burning desire to do something new and innovative (either in job or starting own business). But the most fortune 100 companies do not sponsor H1B or GC (Example Raytheon, Toyota, Lexmark .... based on my personal experience as electrical engineer) so you end up compromising with career to maintain status and work for companies that sponsor H1B ( future career prospects take a backseat). Then after 8 - 10 years when you get GC you already are married and possibly kids to look after you are already burnt out and want to keep working in the same desk/ clerical job that you have been doing for so many years. So its a lose lose situation to all neither government gains from the GC (by which they hope to make US a more innovative place) nor the immigrants since by then all they can think is a full time job, home and 401K.

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