Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • centaur
    04-14 01:44 PM
    I just got my H-1b renewed and no-one asked for the drivers license.

    Maybe your lawyer's office just has a policy to ask for copy of everyones license for their records. Lots of professional buisnesses do this (physicians, lawyers' CPA's office etc.), but this is for their internal records and to be used in case of collection issues, for non-payment of their bills and such.

    IV friends ,
    Last week my lawyer has asked for copy of Driving License of me and my wife for filing the H1-B and H4 extension.

    Then one of my friend told me that INS is asking for copy of the driving license for filing the h1-B extension.

    My employer is supposed to file my 3 year Extension based on I-140 in Dec this year( Dec 2007) but my Licences expires on Sept 2008, So I will I be just getting the extension till Sept 2008 and Not 3 year extension.

    Any Idea on that
    I have already submitted my driving license to my lawyer.
    Please Let me know because I was couting on that I will get 3 year extension this time :(

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  • kumhyd2
    07-18 02:51 PM

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  • anurakt
    12-18 02:32 PM
    # nycgal369, Senior Member like you coming up with this idea...hmmm..

    Do you think mass rallies by illegals has helped them? Did not it back fire? will be the same for us. Will not help. The question is not about being scared, its more about doing the right thing.

    First of all, forget about back firing, can we get 100 people to do this. IV has been trying for funds and i dont think even 10% have contributed..why would u think any one would loose a pay day? even if you take 20$/hour i.e 160$ per day. Lot of members are not ready to contribute 50 bucks :) There might be a few who can not contribute due to various reasons and i totally sympathize with them but what about the remaining?

    My point is not to discourage but just for a reality check

    I completely agree.....

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  • LostInGCProcess
    09-10 12:53 PM
    Please help me understand this:

    The Dept. of State's web site has the visa bulletin for SEpt 2008 as:

    1st C
    2nd 01AUG06
    3rd U

    And the US Consulate's web site at Mumbai has:

    E1 Current
    E2 1 April 2003

    So, how come Consulates got the latest information? Why not post this on the DOS page too by the DOS?

    I am so sick and tired of this whole process of GC. I am starting to question myself if this entire process of wait, is worth at all? If you are illegal, you are free in this country, if you are legal they scrutiny your papers with a microscope....I am sick, totally sick. There is a limit to patience, too.:mad::mad::mad:


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  • add78
    06-20 10:30 AM
    Is there no one here who has a few $ to donate to the organization that gave them so much back, just think about how lucky some of you were to be able to file 485 last july! That alone should be enough reason to donate! Please, please give back to the community that gives you so much in return!
    Do what you can
    At least do the action items and call the representatives.
    Thousands of legal immigrants waiting in EB queues and yet we can't reach even $20K. Let's change this perspective. Please donate in your good conscience.

    Thank You.

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  • B0ka
    03-13 11:02 AM
    I am a bit curious. How did you manage to stay in same company for 7 years. Or did you do labor transfer or changed company using EAD/AP.

    Surprisingly, I have been with my employer since 2000. With all the economic issues going on in 2000/2001 it took us 2 years to file my labor.


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  • vinabath
    07-20 12:36 PM
    The calculations below is not to scare anyone but it may very well a reality. Based on the assumptions below, some people may have to wait up to 20 months to get a EAD card: Ouch!

    A Total I-485 Applicants: 750000 Applicants
    B Each EAD processing time: 5 Minutes
    C Total processing hrs: 62500 Hours
    (Calculations: AxB/60)
    D Daily productive Hours: 5 Hours
    (It is a government body!)
    E Total Man Days (Business Days): 12500 Man Days
    (Calculations: C/D)
    F EAD Workforce: 30 People
    G Total Business Days: 417 Days
    (Calculations: E/F)
    H Average Business Days in a month: 21 Days
    I Total Clearing Time : 20 Months
    (Calculations: G/I)

    I will cut no of EAD applications to 600,000.

    USCIS can always use contractors with our revenue to complete the work.
    But you are absolutely right. If they dont add temp resources with this extra revenue, we will be waiting for atleast an year to get EAD and AP.

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  • dan19
    05-25 01:09 PM
    PD : Sep 2002 (RIR)
    45 Day letter: Dec 2004 (After that no news)

    I had 2 queries when the case was pending with the state labour office before being shipped to BEC.
    The issues were related to low wages and insufficient experience. The company fixed the issues and ammended the Labour petition.

    Will that cause a problem when it comes to the approval stage? Again, will that negatively affect I-140?


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  • aadimanav
    12-10 03:37 PM
    Visa Bulletin for January 2010 (


    At this time it is unlikely that there will be any cut-off dates in the Employment First preferences. It also appears unlikely that it will be necessary to establish a cut-off date other than those already in effect for the Second preference category. Cut-off dates apply to the China and India Second preference categories due to heavy demand, and each has the potential to become "unavailable" should demand cause the annual limit for that category to be reached.

    INA Section 202(a)(5) provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limits. For example, if it is determined that based on the level of demand being received at that time there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category, then numbers could be provided to oversubscribed countries without regard to per-country limitations. Should that occur, the same cut-off date would be applied to each country, since numbers must be provided strictly in priority date order regardless of chargeability. In this instance, greater number use by one country would indicate a higher rate of demand by applicants from that country with earlier priority dates.

    Should Section 202(a)(5) be applied, the rate of number use in the Employment preference category would continue to be monitored to determine whether subsequent adjustments are needed in visa availability for oversubscribed countries. This action provides the best possible assurance that all available Employment preference numbers will be used, while still ensuring that numbers remain available for applicants from all other countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit.


    Based on current indications of demand, the best case scenarios for cut-off dates which will be reached by the end of FY-2010 are as follows:

    Employment Second:
    China: July through October 2005
    India: February through early March 2005

    If Section 202(a)(5)were to apply:
    China and India: October through December 2005

    Employment Third:

    Worldwide: April through August 2005
    China: June through September 2003
    India: January through February 2002
    Mexico: January through June 2004
    Philippines: April through August 2005

    Please be advised that the above date ranges are only estimates which are subject to fluctuations in demand during the coming months. The actual future cut-off dates cannot be guaranteed, and it is possible that some annual limits could be reached prior to the end of the fiscal year.

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  • hiralal
    05-29 12:05 AM
    if your loan is denied while on EAD ..count yourself as lucky !!!
    my advice careful before you take a plunge when on EAD or on temporary visa (H1).
    MONDAY, MAY 25, 2009
    The Housing Hurricane Will Howl Again
    This is only a lull in the housing hurricane.

    WE'RE OUT OF THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE, but here comes the back half of the storm. A lot of people think that we've seen the worst of the housing crisis. They're talking about green shoots and glimmers of hope, when they should be back in the storm shelter, preparing for a flood of inventory that will overwhelm the markets and produce another round of falling prices

    For the past few months there has been a semi-moratorium on foreclosures. Most institutions with delinquent mortgages didn't foreclose. The signs that blanket many neighborhoods have been posted by a fraction of the lenders. Now the rest of the banks are rushing to get their properties on the market.
    Christoph Hitz for Barron's
    We're still supporting misguided programs that only add to inventory woes. They encourage builders to put up more homes and penalize anyone else trying to sell a home.

    As a Florida real-estate broker who works with bank asset managers to dispose of foreclosed properties, I get a good view of this market. From December 2008 through mid-March 2009, the number of asset managers calling to discuss REO (real estate owned) properties on their client banks' books dropped by more than 80% from the level at which it previously had been running. In the past two months, however, asset managers have been busy, with most interested in how many properties we could handle at once.

    Law firms for banks are once again lining up to file foreclosures and to process evictions. The asset managers we work with have warned us to expect a flood of properties, beginning in early June. This will hit as the number of potential buyers continues to dwindle. Builders, traditional sellers and investors who entered too early are already loaded with REO properties.

    ALL OF THE OBAMA administration's attempts to revive, resuscitate and shock the housing markets into recovery have failed. Potential buyers can't purchase homes when they are losing their jobs, regardless of how attractive the credits and mortgages are. The price of homes will continue to fall until the properties are affordable for potential buyers.

    If an investor could purchase a home and rent it out for close to breakeven, we might be getting close to a bottom. But we are nowhere close to that level in most critical markets. Until it is approached, prices will continue to fall. In fact, the negative cash flow now evident, along with the flood of properties coming into the inventory pool, warn of lower prices.

    There's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. We're still supporting builders through misguided programs that are only adding to the inventory woes. California decided to offer a $10,000 credit to buyers of new homes, on top of the $8,000 federal credit. But California made the $10,000 available only for new homes purchased directly from builders. That shows the power of the builders' lobby, but it only adds to California's housing-industry problem. It encourages builders to construct dwellings we don't need, and it penalizes anyone else trying to sell a home.

    Housing inventory soon will flood a market in which more than 500,000 homes are being built each year, even though the annual sales pace for new homes is closer to 300,000. We must also deal with a system clogged with impossible short sales, a surge of second and vacation homes being dumped, and third-wave flippers realizing that they entered the market too soon.

    FOR THE BANKS, the back half of the hurricane will destroy balance sheets, unless the Obama administration comes up with another plan to mythically mark these assets on the books. Or we might see some chimerical plan to write down mortgage payments, or move toxic mortgages into a dark pool, or create some new illusion that glosses over the problem.

    Our experience with banks' selling REOs is they realize about 50%-75% of what they initially think they will get. Moreover, their expenses to bring these properties to market and manage them are growing. Court systems bogged down with foreclosures are raising fees so that they can hire additional staff. More and more homeowners being evicted are stripping homes to the bone, removing appliances, fixtures, carpet, cabinets, air handlers, motorized garage-door openers and anything else that they can carry off or sell.

    Unemployment presents a two-pronged problem. If homeowners lose their jobs, they have difficulty meeting mortgage payments. And a high jobless rate forces more people to put their homes on the market.

    During the housing bubble, many second homes were purchased with the mythical equity from primary residences. These second homes are coming onto the market at an alarming rate, as many middle- and upper-class sellers need to raise cash. In some very exclusive private communities in Florida, where home prices are in the seven figures, more than 50% of the homes are on the market. (For more on the vacation-home market, see Cover Story.)

    Unfortunately, there are no signs of recovery, despite the hype and the twisting of numbers in many media reports. The end of the unofficial moratorium on foreclosures, combined with rising unemployment, signals that the back half of this housing hurricane is only just beginning.


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  • m306m
    07-15 03:29 PM
    I pledge $10 if we reach $2000 today

    Keep going folks.

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  • WaitingYaar
    10-11 08:03 PM
    i think I have stated it earlier...

    for handsfree , you could either do it through accountant or once you set up the company, you need to get your Federal tax id for the company, then file for any local city business license ( few cities have that requirement), Open a bank account...

    Please PM me if you still have questions... In this thread I had posted my reply and also given the accountant details , who helped me...

    Thanks for you guidance!


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  • senk1s
    05-02 09:08 AM
    thats all the more reason to recapture visa numbers ... forever.
    If they hit 90-95% of the target for the current year - the following year the exact number will be known - and that can be allotted

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  • ramus
    07-06 12:20 PM
    Thank you.. I am sure this thread is going to get more and more visits..

    I have changed the thread title.


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  • Green.Tech
    06-04 02:11 PM
    Thanks to all who contributed...

    Others...wake up!

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  • DesiPardesi
    07-13 04:43 PM
    Having some samples loaded will help other members in contacting. I agree that personal story will be more effective but atleast we will know format of request.



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  • Alabaman
    07-20 01:06 PM
    Thats why we need to participate in the CNN Youtube video debate. See link

    Them democrats, they will never help us. Because as per them "we are stealing jobs". We should really start something like the flower campaign to expose all these double talkers. I mean go and see the youtube video by Hillary about how she likes legal immigrants and all that BS. Now contrast that with her "Ney" vote for an amendment which would have helped the legal immigrant community to a great extent. With the momentum that we have currently with media, we should really start exposing these people for who they are, a bunch of hypocrites!.

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  • gctoget
    08-08 02:19 PM

    There is going to be an Independence day celebration event at Pierce college ,Woodland hills on August 18th ,2007. Please participate and do not forget to visit the booth for more information on our non-profit organization.

    See you all there!

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  • legalVoice
    05-03 09:56 AM
    Maybe it would be eating and sleeping... if they get bored with that they might approve 1 or 2 cases.

    I keep hearing that DOL has allocated more resources to entering data. Does it really take so much effort to perform data entry. One of our customer is a large multinational company that has hired a few interns to convert huge stacks of paper files into electronic format by manually entering data into the system. These paper files go back decades, and these 5-6 interns have been making great progress.

    In contrast, how long does it take to enter 300K cases into the system? Besides, if they have hired about 100 additional people or so, why are they using case reviewers to enter data? Can't they use interns to perform such low-skill job while continuing to use reviewers to perform their primary task?

    My company recently interviewed a fresh computer science college graduate who is working with DOL in entering data. I wish we had hired him so that I could talk to him more about his job duties there.

    11-06 04:03 AM
    I read somwhere that another bill is in que of senete for allowing the reinstatement of schedule A
    is it true? if yes, is there any chance that it will become a bill

    08-13 04:36 PM
    so any hopes about what would happen on oct 2008 bulletin for eb3, will it go back to nov 2001 or atleast will it go to 2003 :(

    It looks like a long wait for us eb3 folks.........

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